FlocSens Pro

Optical measurement of floc properties.

The dewaterability of a flocculated system can only be evaluated qualitatively on the basis of the floc image before dewatering. However, a system for the reliable evaluation of flocculated particle systems was not available until now. For this reason, we have developed the innovation product FlocSens.

Our solution

FlocSens is a novel, photo-optical online measurement method based on a CCD camera. The measuring system evaluates the floc using empirical correlations. The characteristic values of the sensor provide information on, among other things, floc size distribution and change, shear stability of the flocs, effectiveness of flocculation aids and expected dewaterability of the conditioned sludge.

Your benefits

Versatile application areas

FlocSens is available for stationary installation in pipelines as well as for laboratory applications.



The software is freely parameterizable and can be used for a wide variety of flocculation processes.


Efficient polymer screening

FlocSens enables fast and reproducible statements about the floc properties.


Transparent overview

Control of your flocculation process by online measurement of the produced floc.


Contact Us

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The service is carried out by aquen aqua-engineering GmbH.

Bauhofstrasse 31, D-38678, Clausthal-Zellerfeld

+49 152 53 432 932
